Donegal Oil


Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Sale of Kero-Kleen (Kerosene)

  1. The Buyer is responsible for providing safe and suitable bulk storage and associated filling and ancillary equipment which complies in all respects with all relevant requirements made by the competent authority and for ensuring that it will take the full quantity ordered. The Buyer shall also indemnify the Seller against any damage, injuries, claims, expenses or costs which may arise as a result of the Buyer not observing these conditions.
  2. The Seller will effect delivery by a connecting hose laid through the premises of the Buyer on the understanding that the Buyer thereby indemnifies the Seller against any loss or damage to the premises or its contents as a result of spillage or rupture of the hose.
  3. It is a condition of every bulk sale through hose that the quantity shown by the Sellers meter shall be accepted by the Buyer as the quantity delivered. The Seller cannot accept any responsibility whatever for discrepancies in the Buyer’s tank, dip rods or other measuring devices.
  4. The Seller shall not accept liability for any change in the quality of the product after the delivery has been effected arising from unsuitability of the Buyer’s storage facilities.
  5. The Buyer undertakes that Kerosene will not be used as fuel in a mechanically propelled vehicle constructed or adapted for use on roads or kept in the fuel tank of such vehicle.
  6. Upon delivery of the product the risk shall pass to the Buyer who shall be responsible thereafter for any loss in or damage to the product. Ownership of the product shall not pass to the Buyer until all outstanding sums due by the Buyer to the Seller have been paid. In the interim the Buyer shall hold the products in trust for the seller. If the Buyer fails to make payment of sums when due, the Seller may, without further notice, enter upon the Buyer’s premises and remove the products delivered and in respect of which the Buyer has failed to make payments.
  7. If payment is not made within 14 days of being due the Buyer shall pay to the Seller interest on the outstanding sums at the rate of 2.5% per month until payment of all sums due is received by the Seller.
  8. The Buyer hereby agrees to observe all conditions of their Marked Fuel Traders Licence or their Auto Fuel Traders Licence if applicable.
  9. An order submitted through our website can be cancelled at any time prior to delivery and we will arrange a full refund within 7 days. Cancellation should be made by telephone on +353 74 91 21633. However, once delivery has been made no refund or return of the product is possible.

Last Updated: October 2021